Quest/Nations のバックアップ(No.2)
Nations メインクエスト
Lv 15
Nations -Chapter 1- The Call Of Ullu
En Route For Mount Zinit
A Real Hero - The Start
Pledge Your Allegiance
Follow the Path
From Zero to Hero I - Preparation
From Zero to Hero II - The Challenge
From Zero to Hero III - Consecration
En Route For Mount Zinit - Second!
Mount Zinit - Journey
Mount Zinit - Reefs
Mount Zinit - Beach
Mount Zinit - Ogrest’s Cult’s Blast Hole
Mount Zinit - A Far Artifact
Looking For The Lost Artifact
Lv 20
Nations -Chapter 2 - National Archaeology
Like A Blibli In A China Shop
Archaeologist Skill Assessment
The Big Dig
The Sunken Temple of Sufokia
Jenry Hones Jr. - Bontarian Archaeologist
Eminerell Lebbocq - Brakmarian Archaeologist
Laura Craft - Amaknian Archaeologist
Magnum Bairefute - Otomai’s Disciple
Things That Go Splash In The Night
Lv 30
Restate of Emergency
Lv 35
Mountpet(移動用ペット)をもらえる一連のクエスト。 A Mount?
Research and Learning
Dragoturkey Roast?
Harnessed and Armed
Lost Book
Missy Amulet
Making the Trappings
A Saddle and Reins
And In Practice?
Which One Should I Choose?
Mount Permit
最新の10件を表示しています。 コメントページを参照 画像を非表示